North Carolina counties by population provide a detailed snapshot based on the 2020 census data of the United States. There are 100 counties in North Carolina that accommodate 10,439,388 residents, which is 3% of the total population in the United States. With 35.90%, Kansas has the higher education rate than the national average 35.7%. When it comes to employment rate and household income, North Carolina offers 59.20% employment rate with $67,481 median household income.
To know more about North Carolina population by county, choose any county of North Carolina tells what is the total population, how dense is the population per square miles, how much population access the education, what percent of population employed, what is the median household income, what percent of population covered by health insurance and how many housing units available, in that specific county compared with North Carolina (state level) and United States (nation level) population data. Similarly, the city based population details can be accessed at North Carolina Cities by Population.
Which is the most populous county in North Carolina?
Wake County in North Carolina, USA, is the most populous county, with a resident population of 1,129,410 according to the 2020 US census data. With a 1,115,482 resident population Mecklenburg County, NC ranks as the second most populated county in the state. Guilford County with a population of 541,299 residents claims the third largest county by population in North Carolina.
Which is the least populous county in North Carolina
Tyrrell County with a population of 3,245 residents, is recognized as the smallest county in North Carolina by population.
North Carolina Counties by Population
Rank | County | Population |
1 | Wake County | 1,129,410 |
2 | Mecklenburg County | 1,115,482 |
3 | Guilford County | 541,299 |
4 | Forsyth County | 382,590 |
5 | Cumberland County | 334,728 |
6 | Durham County | 324,833 |
7 | Buncombe County | 269,452 |
8 | Union County | 238,267 |
9 | Gaston County | 227,943 |
10 | Cabarrus County | 225,804 |
11 | New Hanover County | 225,702 |
12 | Johnston County | 215,999 |
13 | Onslow County | 204,576 |
14 | Iredell County | 186,693 |
15 | Alamance County | 171,415 |
16 | Pitt County | 170,243 |
17 | Davidson County | 168,930 |
18 | Catawba County | 160,610 |
19 | Orange County | 148,696 |
20 | Rowan County | 146,875 |
21 | Randolph County | 144,171 |
22 | Brunswick County | 136,693 |
23 | Harnett County | 133,568 |
24 | Wayne County | 117,333 |
25 | Robeson County | 116,530 |
26 | Henderson County | 116,281 |
27 | Craven County | 100,720 |
28 | Moore County | 99,727 |
29 | Cleveland County | 99,519 |
30 | Nash County | 94,970 |
31 | Rockingham County | 91,096 |
32 | Burke County | 87,570 |
33 | Lincoln County | 86,810 |
34 | Caldwell County | 80,652 |
35 | Wilson County | 78,784 |
36 | Chatham County | 76,285 |
37 | Surry County | 71,359 |
38 | Franklin County | 68,573 |
39 | Carteret County | 67,686 |
40 | Wilkes County | 65,969 |
41 | Rutherford County | 64,444 |
42 | Lee County | 63,285 |
43 | Stanly County | 62,504 |
44 | Haywood County | 62,089 |
45 | Granville County | 60,992 |
46 | Pender County | 60,203 |
47 | Sampson County | 59,036 |
48 | Lenoir County | 55,122 |
49 | Watauga County | 54,086 |
50 | Hoke County | 52,082 |
51 | Columbus County | 50,623 |
52 | Edgecombe County | 48,900 |
53 | Duplin County | 48,715 |
54 | Halifax County | 48,622 |
55 | Beaufort County | 44,652 |
56 | McDowell County | 44,578 |
57 | Stokes County | 44,520 |
58 | Jackson County | 43,109 |
59 | Richmond County | 42,946 |
60 | Davie County | 42,712 |
61 | Vance County | 42,578 |
62 | Pasquotank County | 40,568 |
63 | Person County | 39,097 |
64 | Yadkin County | 37,214 |
65 | Macon County | 37,014 |
66 | Dare County | 36,915 |
67 | Alexander County | 36,444 |
68 | Scotland County | 34,174 |
69 | Transylvania County | 32,986 |
70 | Bladen County | 29,606 |
71 | Cherokee County | 28,774 |
72 | Currituck County | 28,100 |
73 | Ashe County | 26,577 |
74 | Montgomery County | 25,751 |
75 | Caswell County | 22,736 |
76 | Anson County | 22,055 |
77 | Martin County | 22,031 |
78 | Hertford County | 21,552 |
79 | Madison County | 21,193 |
80 | Greene County | 20,451 |
81 | Polk County | 19,328 |
82 | Warren County | 18,642 |
83 | Yancey County | 18,470 |
84 | Bertie County | 17,934 |
85 | Avery County | 17,806 |
86 | Northampton County | 17,471 |
87 | Mitchell County | 14,903 |
88 | Swain County | 14,117 |
89 | Chowan County | 13,708 |
90 | Perquimans County | 13,005 |
91 | Pamlico County | 12,276 |
92 | Clay County | 11,089 |
93 | Washington County | 11,003 |
94 | Alleghany County | 10,888 |
95 | Gates County | 10,478 |
96 | Camden County | 10,355 |
97 | Jones County | 9,172 |
98 | Graham County | 8,030 |
99 | Hyde County | 4,589 |
100 | Tyrrell County | 3,245 |