Missouri counties by population provide a detailed snapshot based on the 2020 census data of the United States. There are 114 counties in Missouri that accommodate 6,154,913 residents, which is 2% of the total population in the United States. With 32.20%, Kansas has the lower education rate than the national average 35.7%. When it comes to employment rate and household income, Missouri offers 60.10% employment rate with $64,811 median household income.
To know more about Missouri population by county, choose any county of Missouri tells what is the total population, how dense is the population per square miles, how much population access the education, what percent of population employed, what is the median household income, what percent of population covered by health insurance and how many housing units available, in that specific county compared with Missouri (state level) and United States (nation level) population data. Similarly, the city based population details can be accessed at Missouri Cities by Population.
Which is the most populous county in Missouri?
St. Louis County in Missouri, USA, is the most populous county, with a resident population of 1,004,125 according to the 2020 US census data. With a 717,204 resident population Jackson County, MO ranks as the second most populated county in the state. St. Charles County with a population of 405,262 residents claims the third largest county by population in Missouri.
Which is the least populous county in Missouri
Worth County with a population of 1,973 residents, is recognized as the smallest county in Missouri by population.
Missouri Counties by Population
Rank | County | Population |
1 | St. Louis County | 1,004,125 |
2 | Jackson County | 717,204 |
3 | St. Charles County | 405,262 |
4 | St. Louis city | 301,578 |
5 | Greene County | 298,915 |
6 | Clay County | 253,335 |
7 | Jefferson County | 226,739 |
8 | Boone County | 183,610 |
9 | Jasper County | 122,761 |
10 | Cass County | 107,824 |
11 | Platte County | 106,718 |
12 | Franklin County | 104,682 |
13 | Christian County | 88,842 |
14 | Buchanan County | 84,793 |
15 | Cape Girardeau County | 81,710 |
16 | Cole County | 77,279 |
17 | St. Francois County | 66,922 |
18 | Lincoln County | 59,574 |
19 | Newton County | 58,648 |
20 | Taney County | 56,066 |
21 | Johnson County | 54,013 |
22 | Pulaski County | 53,955 |
23 | Phelps County | 44,638 |
24 | Callaway County | 44,283 |
25 | Pettis County | 42,980 |
26 | Camden County | 42,745 |
27 | Butler County | 42,130 |
28 | Howell County | 39,750 |
29 | Webster County | 39,085 |
30 | Scott County | 38,059 |
31 | Lawrence County | 38,001 |
32 | Laclede County | 36,039 |
33 | Warren County | 35,532 |
34 | Barry County | 34,534 |
35 | Lafayette County | 32,984 |
36 | Polk County | 31,519 |
37 | Stone County | 31,076 |
38 | Stoddard County | 28,672 |
39 | Marion County | 28,525 |
40 | Dunklin County | 28,283 |
41 | Audrain County | 24,962 |
42 | Miller County | 24,722 |
43 | Randolph County | 24,716 |
44 | Texas County | 24,487 |
45 | Washington County | 23,514 |
46 | Saline County | 23,333 |
47 | McDonald County | 23,303 |
48 | Ray County | 23,158 |
49 | Crawford County | 23,056 |
50 | Henry County | 21,946 |
51 | Nodaway County | 21,241 |
52 | Clinton County | 21,184 |
53 | Morgan County | 21,006 |
54 | Vernon County | 19,707 |
55 | Benton County | 19,394 |
56 | Perry County | 18,956 |
57 | Ste. Genevieve County | 18,479 |
58 | Wright County | 18,188 |
59 | Andrew County | 18,135 |
60 | Pike County | 17,587 |
61 | Cooper County | 17,103 |
62 | Dallas County | 17,071 |
63 | New Madrid County | 16,434 |
64 | Bates County | 16,042 |
65 | Pemiscot County | 15,661 |
66 | Moniteau County | 15,473 |
67 | Macon County | 15,209 |
68 | Gasconade County | 14,794 |
69 | Livingston County | 14,557 |
70 | Dent County | 14,421 |
71 | Cedar County | 14,188 |
72 | Osage County | 13,274 |
73 | Madison County | 12,626 |
74 | Mississippi County | 12,577 |
75 | Linn County | 11,874 |
76 | Barton County | 11,637 |
77 | Douglas County | 11,578 |
78 | Montgomery County | 11,322 |
79 | DeKalb County | 11,029 |
80 | Wayne County | 10,974 |
81 | Ripley County | 10,679 |
82 | Bollinger County | 10,567 |
83 | Ralls County | 10,355 |
84 | Howard County | 10,151 |
85 | Lewis County | 10,032 |
86 | Grundy County | 9,808 |
87 | Iron County | 9,537 |
88 | St. Clair County | 9,284 |
89 | Caldwell County | 8,815 |
90 | Monroe County | 8,666 |
91 | Oregon County | 8,635 |
92 | Ozark County | 8,553 |
93 | Carroll County | 8,495 |
94 | Maries County | 8,432 |
95 | Daviess County | 8,430 |
96 | Hickory County | 8,279 |
97 | Harrison County | 8,157 |
98 | Dade County | 7,569 |
99 | Chariton County | 7,408 |
100 | Shannon County | 7,031 |
101 | Clark County | 6,634 |
102 | Gentry County | 6,162 |
103 | Shelby County | 6,103 |
104 | Reynolds County | 6,096 |
105 | Sullivan County | 5,999 |
106 | Atchison County | 5,305 |
107 | Carter County | 5,202 |
108 | Scotland County | 4,716 |
109 | Putnam County | 4,681 |
110 | Holt County | 4,223 |
111 | Schuyler County | 4,032 |
112 | Knox County | 3,744 |
113 | Mercer County | 3,538 |
114 | Worth County | 1,973 |